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2018 marked a significant milestone for GRAS. From a social club originally organised by the alumni of the 1998 VPS GRADS cohort, GRAS has grown exponentially over the past 20 years. During this time, GRAS has developed into a community that spans across the Victorian public sector and provides its members with an opportunity to broaden their networks in the public service. 


In addition to providing a social and professional network for graduates, GRAS holds regular professional development events for our members designed to discuss topics of interest to the public servant of the day. 


On 2 October 2018, we celebrated our 20th anniversary at the VPS Graduates Anniversary Event at Parliament House. We also presented our new logo and branding and launched our new website. We hope that these initiatives will assist GRAS in connecting with graduates and alumni across the public service and providing more value for our community into the future. 


© Graduate Recruit Alumni Society 2025

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